Domestic Abuse Resources

Difficult To Leave & Definitions of Abuse - Domestic Abuse Services Animation Video

July 22, 2020
Guidance for Use of the Young People’s Video Project Materials
Please use these videos to promote awareness of Domestic Abuse and to encourage victims to come forward and report. They are deigned to be used as an educational tool to prompt discussions or to post on social media platforms to raise awareness.
They have been created by a small group of young people at Werneth High School as part of a pilot project. The project aimed to support young people that have either experienced Domestic Abuse at home or within their own relationships or had a need for an extracurricular activity that provided a creative safe space. It provided a therapeutic creative activity on a weekly basis that explored their understanding of Domestic Abuse and healthy relationships. The young people then identified key messages they wanted to develop a stop motion animation video around. The video was to be an educational resource that could be used with domestic abuse victims, young people or communities.
Please note they are not completed fully at this time as the project group had to cease work due to Covid-19 restrictions. We hope to be able to revisit these once the restrictions change and allow the young people to fully realise their ideas as originally planned.
In the meantime, please feel free to use them to encourage reporting and awareness of Domestic Abuse. We would simply ask that you acknowledge the safeguarding adult and children partnerships and young people of Stockport that designed these images. The supporting artist would also appreciate it if you could provide a credit to her to acknowledge the work, she has produced on behalf of the young people so that we can utilise the images during lockdown.
Creative artist credit options:
Tamzin Forster
Instagram: @tamzinrunningphotographer

The video starts with a hand laying out bundled socks on a sheet.
A paper suitcase with handle is then laid on the sheet and a paper address tag added
Words steadily appear in felt tip pen on the tag, stating:
'It can be difficult to leave an abusive relationship'
The paper suitcase is folded in half and when unfolded reveals a paper house poised on
a paper garden. out of the chimney in paper smoke clouds comes the word 'guilt'
A red paper heart flutters on to the roof of the house and out of the front door comes a
concertina of paper people.
A stack of coins appears and slowly diwndles in number until all is left is a scrap of paper saying
'Nothing Left'.
Paper clouds appear the house stating the word 'Fear'
A paper sun appears over the house with the word 'shame' written on it.
The paper house is turned around and at a back window we see a silhouette of a person
covered in distraught scrubbles.
The silhouette grows bigger and takes on a more human shape. the scribbles keep moving in a distressing manner.
The silhouette shrinks back down again. Post-it notes appear with the following messages:
'Fights all the time'
'Manipulates Me'
'Ignores Sexual Consent'
'Hurts me Physically'
'Shouts at Me'
'Talks Over me'
'makes me cry all the time'
'Forces / Controlling me'
'Feeling Trapped'
'Makes me feel anxious'
'Makes me feel useless'
'isolates me from family and friends'
A new slide is revealed, stating:
'This video is brought to you by Stockport Young People and Stockport Safeguarding Partnerships
If you are in immediate risk of danger call 999
If you are in need of support and advice contact:
Stockport Without Abuse
Monday - Thursday 9am-5pm 0151 477 4294
Friday - 9am - 4.30pm
There is an answerphone outside of these hours
or visit:
National Domestic Abuse Violence Helpine 27/7 - 0808 2000 247'
A new slide is revealed. It states the following:
'For immediate support and signposting call
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASSH)
Monday - Thursday - 9am-5pm - 01612176028
Friday - 9am-4.30pm - 01612176028
Evenings/Overnight/Weekends - 01617182118
A new slide is revealed. It states the following:
Speak to Adult Social Care if you have a safeguarding concern in relation to a vulnerable adult
Monday - Thursday - 8.30am-5pm - 01612176029
Friday - 8.30am-4.30pm - 01612176029
Evenings/Overnight/Weekends - 01617182118