Stockport Moving Together

Stockport Moving Together

Community Football - Brinnington

60 views January 18, 2024

Free Community Football run by local champion and volunteer coach Mike Donnan - funded by the...

Stockport Moving Together

Community Gym.mp4

59 views January 16, 2024

Case study video of free Community Gym sessions at Life Leisure designed to get people moving.

Stockport Moving Together

Confidence Walk

65 views January 12, 2024

Case study video promoting the Confidence Walks in Stockport

Stockport Moving Together

Stockport Moving together Exploring Brinnington...

139 views July 22, 2022

In a project led by the people of Brinnington to help their community get active, the residents...

Stockport Moving Together

Stockport Moving Together - SCCT Social...

116 views July 21, 2022

The video showcases the positive impact of the Stockport County Community Trust's Wellbeing Group

Stockport Moving Together

Stockport Moving Together - Age UK Stockport -...

90 views July 21, 2022

Jimmy Long tells his story of the benefits of walking football on his health and wellbeing.

Stockport Moving Together

Stockport Moving Together launch video

479 views July 21, 2022

Stockport Moving Together aims to increase physical activity for all by working with residents,...